Saturday, September 6, 2008

Birthday Cake

This is a 5x7" oil painting on hard board. I plan on posting mostly smaller paintings that I can do somewhat quickly. It's good for me to loosen up my brush a bit since I tend to gravitate toward painting in a detailed style.

My Mom almost always bakes this cake for all of our family birthdays. We all love it and she loves making them for everyone. She loves spending her days in the kitchen and we are the lucky ones who have gotten to eat all her masterpieces all these years. I know I'm partial, but she is an artist in her kitchen creations.

I don't have the whole e-bay thing figured out for this blog, so until that happens just click here to contact me with questions or if you're interested in this piece (pun intended).



  1. May we have the recipe? :)
    Your Cousin, June

  2. Love this John. Great use of varied shadow and color. You remind me of another painter I've taught my students about who loves to paint food. Donna Whitman-Eklund

    I live near the Plattsmouth, NE area. Pastel , oll paintings, and photography is my love.

  3. I love this painting so much. It is simple and the cake is what your eyes are drawn to, because there isn't anything around to distract. Great job.
